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About me


My name is Pushkar Shirahatti, and I am a graduate of the Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS), class of 2021. This digital portfolio is a collection of my growth at the STEM school. It is also meant to let you know a little more about me. Something that stood out to me about DRSS was their pattern of teaching. It was a more modern type of teaching, meant to incorporate values of STEM from the “real world”. One of the things that we did differently was our assignments. At a traditional school, it is encouraged to learn through worksheets rather than projects. At DRSS, the projects were directly linked to what we were learning in class. When we learned something valuable, we got to apply this knowledge to a project. This furthered our knowledge in that subject.


The projects/ assignments that we worked on were at times presented to the public or put up for display. Because of this, there was a special emphasis on craftsmanship. Doing only one draft of the project was advised against. The whole project was a process. This process was based on prototyping, getting feedback, and revising. Persisting by revising was the key to improving our work. We did multiple rounds of peer and teacher feedback, which ensured that the work that we made is something to be proud of and presentable. My favorite project at DRSS is the Storybook Project, and my favorite subjects still are Math and World History. I grew an interest in Engineering after coming to DRSS, as we did many Engineering projects in the 9th grade. You can read about one of them by clicking the button to the left. You can also read about the five qualities that we adhered to by clicking the button to the right. 


Starting Autumn 2021, I will be attending The Ohio State University. My major is physics. My Cyber Patriot participation, which you can read about on the "Experience" page, drew me to pursuing a minor in computer science. These fields have all emerged out of my experiences at DRSS. 


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