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8th Grade Projects

Quality Status Statement: This year in 8th grade, I felt like I had learned a lot and matured. I think that my way of thinking has changed and become more high-school-like. Every class has helped become good at the things that I think I grew in the most; communication and collaboration. I think that collaboration needs effective communication and effective communication needs collaboration. At STEM, collaboration and communication are of the five qualities which they encourage us to use during class. I think that I grew in these areas because we had to use them so much. We had to collaborate and communicate in every single project. If my partners didn’t want to work, I would just let them sit and not talk to them. But now, I would try to talk to them and open up a conversation with them. This applied to me in the Plate Tectonics Project because my partner was new to this school, so they weren't really very communicative. But over time, we started to talk and our collaboration got better. Our final product was also improved when we communicated. I think that the most important quality that I need to develop the most to be successful in high school would be persistence. I think this because nothing is high school is going to be easy. I am bound to get something wrong, so I just have to try hard and get it right, which is basically what persistence is. 

Analyzing Graphs in Algebra I

Graphs were one of the things that we learned about a lot this year. We made straight lines, parabolas, and other fun ones. Click to see how we made them.

Improving my Cardiovascular Strength

Wellness and Fitness are all about how you can keep your body fit. In my reflection, I will talk about being physically fit. I can do this with exercise and diet. Click to see what tools I used to do so.

Speaking Up in Language Arts

We did multiple activities in LA that helped us with our "speaking skills." We presented gradually, going up in front of a small group and then a large group. Click to see how we did this. 


How can I make real world math problems more simple and enjoyable for people who don’t enjoy math?

The Genius Hour Project at DRSS was derived from Google. The purpose of it is still the same though. We have to ask a question about something that intrigues us and try to answer it. To answer a question that you don't know, you need to do extensive research. Click to find out what research I found about how people can enjoy math more .

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