STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. This school has, in a good way, a different pattern of teaching than other schools. DRSS uses a project-based learning approach, in which we learn through completing projects instead of worksheets. These projects teach the content in a practical way that enhances our understanding of the project's topic. DRSS is also very persistence based; multiple drafts of a product are completed before being turned in. The drafts get critiqued so that the existing draft would be improved upon. STEM also emphasizes revising work, which helps in learning from the mistakes made. The 5 Qualities that we stand by are Communication, Inquiry, Persistence, Collaboration, and Creativity. DRSS emphasizes these qualities more than grades and tests because you are more likely to see them in the "real world".
I use Collaboration and Communication the most, as I find myself with group members in most projects. It is important that I illustrate my ideas to them yet have the ability to understand their ideas. The 5 qualities affect every part of my experience here at STEM.