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How can I make real world math problems more simple and enjoyable for people who don’t enjoy math?

Genius Hour Project

Research Process

  • We had 10 class periods in which we had to manage our time wisely. The more the research, the more we could talk about our topic. 


  • The research log was very helpful in organizing the information that we gathered because it was all in one document. The research log was basically a research tracker, where we put in what our goals for the day were, the research that we did that day, and what our goals were for the next day.


  • I chose math because it has always been an interest for me I saw this as a problem in my classroom. 


Actual Research  

  •  I started off by looking at what basic Algebra is. I stumbled across this helpful diagram. The website talked about how you have to balance everything in order for the answer to be correct. 


  • There are 3 main reasons that people don't like math: Only one right answer, peer pressure, and that it can get pretty complicated.


  • Math doesn't require a whole lot of memorization, except for maybe the multiplication tables.


  • Math will probably be involved in your career; programmers, physicists, engineers, and  Analysts all use math. 


  • In order to make it more appealing, it would need to be more visual.


What I learned

  • The answer to my driving question is that I can't change real world problems, but I can change the way that the students try to solve that problem. 


  • There are different methods like Kumon or that I would recommend students to do who need help. 


  • At school, they should try to use more practical ways of learning, like Singapore math. Singapore math basically is all about mastery, not memorization.


  • If they want to get better, they could try doing the math that challenges them and forces them to think, so that the can progress to more complex math.  


  • I can use this in the future by being able to help my peers. If they need help, I can tutor them correctly so that they understand.











This is a Kumon sheet. This shows what my solution would look like. It has multiple
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